Sunday, November 14, 2010
Update On My Life
5 Stages of Loss
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Kobe will never be better than MJ
Win or lose tonight Kobe will never be better than Jordan. Jordan dunked on five Monstars from half-court, last shot of the game in an intergalactic finals game.
That is all.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Toasted Sandwich and a Black Eye
Even with a time machine I still couldn't get laid
Saying goodbye to the worst job imaginable.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Black Larry David

Monday, March 15, 2010
When Facebook Stops Being Fun
Friday, March 12, 2010
Life, Love, Honesty
This was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to write. I am brutally honest with myself but I never put myself out there in public. I am usually afraid of my image or looking bad in the eyes of even my closet friends. The purpose of this is to talk about love and my life and maybe gain some new perspective in both. This is not a last ditch effort to latch on to something that will never be. This is just me being honest about how I feel. Maybe in writing this it can help me get over some issues and start my life anew.
Throughout my life I've seen many people come and go. My family has been my only constant. My Papitat for Humanity (Dad) has always been there for me. My Mom has been a calming influence. My older brother Mayo has taught me many unintentional lessons about life. My older sister Kim made me a better person, my sister Robinette makes me laugh the most, but can also get me the maddest, and my baby sister Cheyenne is my heart. I would do anything for my family.
I've been to 12 schools and the faces of friends, foes, loves, hates, all seem to blur together. No one particularly special out of that group has captured my heart or even garnered an emotional response in their absences. It started so early in my life that by the time I was in 3rd grade I became accustomed to being alone. I simply became jaded and a loner. It didn’t help that I wasn't very appetizing to the ladies; I was a history loving, football statistics nut, with a debilitating speech impediment. I ended my third grade year with a giant ring worm that had my hair looking like Uncle Phil effectively taking me out of school for the last two months of the school year. I decided to take my life into my own hands and work myself into a new person.
Side note: I had a crazy bully when I was in Kindergarten (I was 4 ½) and 1st grade (5 ½). He was two years older than me and he beat me senseless every day. The worst time being when he tripped me on the way to bible study (I went to catholic school) and I scrapped my face up. I had to walk into the church with blood dripping down my face, trying my best to hold back tears. The scars didn’t go away for a few years. I wished death on him. He died two years later in a swimming accident. I’ve never forgiven myself for wishing he would drop dead.
Going into fourth grade I’d decided to spend the summer reading a sports almanac out loud to rid myself of my stutter. It worked and I was finally able to speak in class without the fear of being ridiculed. And soon I became the class clown. It was also around this time that I found what I wanted to do with my life and started plotting the course to pursue my dreams. I moved to GA a few years after that with a new abusive stepdad that made my transition away from my home in New Orleans that much harder.
That relationship ended for my mother as soon as it started and we were off and moving around again like a pack of gypsies. All I had were my siblings, at the time I didn’t really want nor need anything more.
Although that time is way behind me, subconsciously that shy little kid who was afraid to answer questions or read aloud in class will always be in the back of my mind. I played football in high school and became a different person. I was the always loud Robert. I pushed people away because in the back of my head I knew that I would have to leave again. Why show anyone the real me if I am going to have to leave anyway and feel the hurt of separation? As a kid I felt that and didn't want to deal with it again, so I figured that everyone wanted to hear jokes at all times and not know the real me.
Over the years I’ve met numerous women that are considered crushes in my life. Each woman left an impression on me that will never be forgotten, showing me how to better myself. (I rarely name names when it comes to girls I care about so this is new.) There was Kristy my first crush (I haven’t seen or talked to her since I left GA), there was Brittany, there was Hadass my first crush on a deeper level than physical, (she’s extremely smart, a great writer, and I am glad that she’s still my friend), and there was Dawn, this was my college crush (We haven’t talked for years and I doubt we ever will again). I can honestly say I have only really loved two women (outside of my family). Audrey (who is a friend of mine to this day and I know she will be successful in her life) and The One.
In my mind she will always be The One. She is someone I will always hold a candle for. I know the moment I met her. Seeing her makes me happy and brightens my day. I've written dozens of poems in her honor that will never see the light of day. I know hundreds of songs that when they come on remind me in some way shape or form of her. I miss her with every fiber in my body.
She without knowing it made me realize what I was missing in my life. It took me 22 years (at the time) to finally understand. I was missing true companionship, true love, missing the opportunity to live life how it was meant to be lived. Not just as a spectator, but as a participant. I never wanted to see Europe, see Mexico; live outside of my comfort zone until I met someone who left her home country to come to America to study her love of film making. Now I even set aside Saturdays to go to new restaurants and try new foods.
But unfortunately she doesn't feel the same way about me. Don't cry for me, though. I hold no ill will and I even understand. I want her to have fun and enjoy her life. That’s the next best thing to her being with me. Now don’t get me wrong I will always hold out hope that one day she will be mine and we can live a long life together. But I can't hold my breathe nor can I wait forever. That would do a disservice to me and that would be a burden on her.
I have usually harnessed my feelings into motivation for work and they festered causing me to be quiet, internalizing everything. While on vacation in New Orleans I saw that in my father and I don’t want my personal life to play out the same way.
This is my attempt to communicate my thoughts and true feelings. Say what you want, but at least you can know that I was completely honest.
p.s. Just think about if I would have wrote about 2009 in here. haha.
Friday, February 26, 2010
The Mist
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Saints Win Super Bowl aka I Can Die A Happy Man.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Fun Black Facts #1
Today's black fact: John Punch was the first Black man in America to be punished more harshly than his white counterparts. He was given life, while his co-conspirators received 1 and 3 years respectably. The crime escaping bondage. The year 1640. It's going to be a fun month. lol
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Amber Alerts
So a few weeks ago I was watching the news and this family came on and started to talk and cry about how they miss (fill in the blank with any random name) since she's been kidnapped. They talked at length about how great a person she was and pretty much said every good thing she has ever done. I have no doubt that she was probably the product of a Mother Teresa, Gandhi, and Joan Arc threesome. (This would be a threesome epic proportion. Everyone so giving and thoughtful...) I bet if she hadn't been kidnapped she would be a few weeks away from curing cancer.
But I've honestly seen these things for years. there is no way all the abductees are nice, lovable, good people. One day I want to see a group of people interviewed and say, 'She was a bitch anyway, hope they don't bring her back.' Just people being honest. Same thing at funerals. Everyone only remembers the good that someone did. Wasn't he legally injected for killing 30 women? Yeah, but he was really sorry and just misunderstood.
People = Idiots.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Quick Thought Of The Day
Sirius Black Does Crystal Meth
This story is true and it will be told as I saw it. Lol.
I knew this guy from a while back. Let's just call him Sirius Black. This guy was honestly a different breed of person. The complete African American trickster stereotype, but not cunning and smart.
Jump to my roommate (Nsayel) and I playing Fight Night round 4. Sirius walks in and says, "I went to this porn shoot yesterday." I looked at Nsy like, 'dog either this could be a great story or this is going to end horribly.' He says, 'Man, there was naked bitches everywhere and stuff. And then right there was this table filled with drugs...' I am giving him a blankest look I could give him. Because I know this is going somewhere hilarious, but I don't want to laugh in his face yet. He then says, "Man they had everything on the table, coke, pills, ecs, weed, heroin, and crack, everything, yo! I HAD to try one!" I had to stop him. "I was like so which one did you try." He responded, "This drug called,... you ever heard of Crystal Meth?" Nsy and I looked at each other and back at him. I was like, "Yes. I know what Crystal Meth is..." "Yeah, that's the one I tried. It was cool." I was like, "dog, I don't do drugs, but I understand the appeal. But what I can't understand is of all the drugs on the table. That was your choice? Crystal fucking meth?" He starts to explain that he was curious and he wanted to try something new. Then I responded, "You’re too old to be curious about shit. By now you should know this type of stuff." He explains how he doesn't like the drug; all the while he is scratching his neck. (I don't know if he actually scratched his neck, but I always imagined he was so for the sake of the story he was scratching his neck.)
I was so flabbergasted by the story that I forgot to ask him the fundamental question, why the fuck where you there?